Source: Naver

  • [+4,357 -245] Wonder what's wrong with her...
  • [+3,258 -207] This is too much, she doesn't look fashionable at all kk, especially the yellow shoes it's the worst
  • [+3,082 -243] Even my neighborhood a fitting model, wouldn't take such bad looking pictures
  • [+2,624 -179] Her shoes look like duck feet from animation
  • [+1,943 -155] Hmm... that's too much
  • [+507 -24] The group now is a flop, her solo debut has no hope, influenced by the American disease and craving for attention... this is all wrong. Shouldn't YG Ent interfere before it's too late?
  • [+496 -23] She is showing off her chest lately
  • [+508 -28] She is a huge attention w**re too, just like Sulli, but Sulli steals the attention