Key Signs That You Should Seek Addiction Help
Oct 21, 2023 11:35
Approximately 8.6% of the total population has a drug misuse or alcoholism-related disorder that needs specialists’ assistance. However, only a small percentage of these people will seek treatment for their problems. Many individuals wait until their addiction has severely affected their lives before seeing a therapist about seeking treatment. This might be due to shame, the belief that their drug use isn't "that bad," or any of the other reasons for not getting treatment.

We believe that there is no such thing as an addiction that cannot be treated; nevertheless, we recognize that certain circumstances are more complicated than others.
Consider the following warning signs based on Sherief Abu-Moustafa guidelines if you are at a moment in your life when you suspect you may need treatment but aren't sure.
Sudden Significant Weight Loss or Gain
The effects that various medications have on the human body are not the same across the board. Some of them may cause the person to have a pale complexion, while others may cause their eyes to become bloodshot.
Similarly, several medicines have a direct influence on both our hunger and our metabolism. Therefore, a person who is battling with drug addiction may see significant shifts in their body weight.
Substance abuse may also result in eating disorders in addition to being able to cause extreme weight gain or loss. Getting a dual diagnosis might help determine what the underlying problem is. If drugs are shown to be a factor, addiction therapy should be sought out without delay.
Mood Changes
Someone who is addicted to drugs may experience significant mood swings as a consequence of their drug use. Most of the time, this is the result of a mental health issue that is directly tied to opiate usage.
Users of some substances are more prone to experiencing quick mood fluctuations since these drugs have the power to activate a wide range of emotions in their brains. You may get help with this from skilled staff members at an addiction recovery program.
Mental Illness and Depression
As mentioned, there is no disputing that drug misuse has an impact on the user's mental health. It is easy to overlook, but with time, it will become clear in its completeness. If you have mental health difficulties such as mood disorders, anxiety, or depression, it is a solid sign that you are ready for addiction therapy.
If you believe your mental health is worsening, you should see a certified psychologist right away. Depending on the amount of substance misuse, the effects of alcohol and drugs on a person's mental state may range from moderate to severe.
When someone becomes addicted to anything, love connections can collapse. As a consequence, you will become even more immersed in drug consumption. As a consequence of this situation, your mental health may become even more unstable. Then comes the sensation of hopelessness. By doing so, you can assess whether or not you are ready for rehabilitation.
Using Substances to Deal with Stress or Anxiety
A coping strategy is anything that a person uses to help them deal with a difficult situation or sensation that they are experiencing.
Some coping strategies have more negative consequences, even though they provide the person who uses them with a perceived or real benefit. Regrettably, not all approaches to problem-solving are created equal.
Substance abuse is a kind of coping in which the short-term, apparent benefits are often outweighed by the long-term, negative effects on one's health and relationships, as well as increased dependency and poor decision-making when under the influence of the substance.
Anxiety, depression, and other mental diseases are rather common among people who lack proper coping mechanisms. The good news is that there are healthy ways to deal with stress and anxiety, such as physical exercise, meditation, setting appropriate limits, and seeking help from specialists.
Making Several Attempts to Quit Using Substances
Nowadays, a large number of people are interested in sobriety and are reviewing the impact that drugs such as alcohol and narcotics have had on their lives.
People who are interested in sobriety often give it a short trial period at first.
Some people, for example, opt not to drink alcohol during religious holidays or in response to monthly challenges such as Dry January.
You might have experienced similar periods of abstinence for a shorter length of time, or you could have struck a deal with yourself to stop using drugs for good.
If you've attempted to quit before but were unable to keep your pledge to stop using the drug or drinking, you most likely have a problem with substance addiction or alcoholism.