Weather seems to be getting more severe, with many recent floods, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and extremely high winds. NOAA forecasts are not always accurate when it comes to your specific location. Having a home weather station may seem like a no-brainer with such conditions happening so frequently. 

They are able to alert you when they sense any type of severe weather. Many home weather stations can be relied on to at least be accurate when it comes to barometric pressure and wind direction, which are the two most important criteria for weather reporting in the northern hemisphere. When the barometric pressure alarm goes off, and continues to do so, you can check in with NOAA to see their more in depth reports. In certain situations, you may be alerted to severe weather before you can get a NOAA report.

Here are some of the other important advantages of having your own, at home weather station:

Home Maintenance

If you are interested in maintaining your home for years to come, a home weather station is an incredible benefit. You can monitor your home’s humidity and adjust your HVAC accordingly to prevent the buildup of mold and bacteria. This also benefits everyone in your home by keeping them healthy and protecting their belongings from damage. You can also use an at home weather station to get up to date information about the weather immediately around you before you begin any home improvement projects such as winterizing, tree trimming, or painting. Equipped rain gauges can also help you know when to water your garden or lawn, and when it is sufficiently watered from the rain.


The weather forecasts provided by NOAA are meant to be distributed over a wide area. This means that they may not always be accurate for your area. Many users have found that temperatures can differ by up to 8 degrees fahrenheit.

For more information about the accuracy of home weather stations visit


Home weather stations ensure greater safety than simply relying on the forecast provided by NOAA. You can get real time updates on the wind chill and heat index in your immediate area. You can also be alerted to rapid drops in barometric pressure, which indicates the approach of a strong storm. You can also use your home weather station to monitor the temperature inside any outdoor dog shelters