You'll Never Understand Victoria Beckham's Diet
Aug 23, 2013 19:04
DOES VICTORIA BECKHAM EAT? Maybe. And if she does, it's probably weird. Right? Here are some important takeaways from a recent profile of the ex-Spice girl and current very thin celebrity Victoria Beckham.
Victoria Beckham looks good. Or maybe too skinny. Some say its a bit off. Borderline anorexic. So here are some of the important takeaways from her in this profile from New York Times' T Magazine. She's incredibly skinny.
Victoria Beckham herself, barefoot, T-shirted, skin glowing, so tiny as to appear to be in danger of dissolving into the furniture. She wore baggy, oversize boyfriend-y jeans suspended above her super-slim hips by little more than a casual canvas belt and a prayer, and she was surprisingly smiley.
So to the important question. Does Victoria Beckham eat and if so what does she eat? At the moment, though, it was time to eat lunch. (Yes, she eats, though on the other hand she spends a large chunk of time each day doing a Tracy Anderson workout with a personal trainer.)
Lunch — corn soup followed by a salad of greens and fruit for Beckham; sushi for Beckham’s assistant and me; and a fruit platter for everyone — was prepared and served by a chef. “You are going to think this is real — this is what I get every day!” Beckham said. But it is not, apparently. “Chris” — that is the chef — “comes in a couple of days a week and might make a giant lasagna so I can put it in the freezer and then do it myself,” Beckham said. “David does the cooking.”
So it's sometimes salad and sometimes food that is not salad. She jokes that she doesn't want grapes included in her photo and she doesn't want to ruin the illusion that she doesn't eat. Either way, hunger pangs for this chick must be way off the charts. We bet she secretly binges. But then works out even more to keep that figure. [T Magazine]