What Men Really Really Really Really Really Want for Valentine's Day
Feb 08, 2014 02:09
So here's a no-brainer, but a reminder, for all you ladies who think buying extravagant gifts for your S.O. will make him happy this Valentine's Day.
Sure, he'll love it if you bought him a PS4 or . But what they really want is you, nicely wrapper, on a platter. Okay your nightie and the bed will do. You get the gist.
A recent survey by ScienceOfRelationships.com said that overall, women love Valentine's Day more than men. The researchers surveyed more than 1,000 adults for the study. Twenty percent of men say they love Valentine's Day too, and 59 percent of those guys say they expect to have even-better-than-normal sex on February 14.
Sex was at the top of the charts with 46 percent of men putting it on their wishlists. Thoughtful cards came in at a not-so-close second (7 percent).
Well at least you know you don't have to spend too much time worrying about what to get him. Just get him a card - write your own personal lovey-dovey message, and a gift if you want, but give him a real treat at the end of the night by blowing his mind away with some awesome V-Day sex!