Photoshop fails aren't going away anytime soon. And these ones here are professional ones, so even the most qualified lot can make mistakes. Here are the 15 most WTF mistakes made in 2015. Check out the gallery below:

1. I wonder how she's holding that..

2. Her body lost definition.

3. Gigi's foot is looking rather peculiar.

4. The head's not right.

5. Terrifying thigh gap.

6. She skipped right ass cheek workout day.

7. This very curious thigh gap.

8. Did her butt get a puncture?

9. The arm that bends at the waist.

10. Instant weight-loss.

11. Where them nipples at?

12. Ariana's got alien hand.

13. That really long hand...

14. The exorcist foot.

15. The floating ass.